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Visar inlägg från 2009

Whishing for you

I have often wondered where you are. The one too love and hold. Where will I find you, the one to light my world. Some one that cares if I am happy or sad. Some one that does not run away when it’s hard. Someone that is willing to give what I give. Someone that is willing to stand for what he says. Someone that is willing to fight for my heart. Someone willing too be my love and light. Wherever you are, I am right here. Waiting for you until I no longer am. Wishing for you to find me here. Wishing for you before I disappear. When night is at it’s darkest I think of you. Wishing for you.

The life of an angel

The life of an angel, is lonely and sad. The ones that she meets, are those that are past. The angel of death, has found me at last. Her beautiful face tells me I will not last. Her wings are darkend, shifting in black. The eyes are deep, staring me down. Her lips are bloody and oh so sad. She’s lifting her hand, I know now I will die. She’s lifting me up, the pain goes away. I can see clearly, I have been insane. I trusted you, and what did I get. A Soul full of wounds, and the knife in my back. Ref: I’m howling and crying, you ended my life. The feelings grow stronger, I want you broken down. I’ll see you in your dreams, Ill see you in the dark. I’ll be the monster that makes you insane as I. The life of the angel is lonely and sad. The ones that she meets, are those that are past. She offers me light, or to make my last stand. With the sword in her hand, We howl out our cry. Ref: I’m howling and crying, you ended my life. The feelings grow stronger, I want you broken down. I’ll see...

Night of dreams

Darkness is closing, the air is cool. Life is slowing down, afer the summers marathon. The moon is full tonight, promissing no harm. Plantlife liftning their heads, to bade in the silver light. Animals sleeping, exept for a few They are Howling out their tribute, too the moon. The air soo clear, showning stars at last. The mountains are watching, slowly as time pass. The water is calm, suduction from the lake. To emerg under the Cleansint water The spirits wisdom to take I stay under the Oak, that comforts in my wake. The stars are wispering, words of inspiration My head starts to spin, dreams of the dragon. The gras under my feet, tickles and tease. The nature is here, and it is where I want to be.

Natten allting lever

Natten smeker med svala vindar, halvmörkt ser jag världen vända. Människorna sover trött i sömn, naturen vaknar och viskar ömt. Bäcken rinner och väcks till liv, människor sover när nästa tar vid. Naturen får plats och gör sin röst hörd, i skydd av natten dess varelser tryggas. Jag rör mig sakta i skogens energi, den pulserar och välkomnar mig dit. Den vet att jag lyssnar, vet att jag hör, viskar och leker med mitt sinne så skör. Mina tankar virvlar fyllda av dess aura, min kropp lugn och harmonisk vandrar. Uppfylld av naturens alla liv, var blomma, bär, sten, bäck och Lind. Deras röster är som starkast, denna natt mättad av dofter och hopp. Hopp inför framtiden, de har säkrat framtiden, fört vidare gåvan av liv. Denna natt då livet är som bäst, denna natt då vilan snart tar vid. Mitt emellan liv och död, livets varelser kan få sin skörd. Döden ses med frid i minne, livet kommer åter att finnas. En natt att fira, en natt att ge. En natt att leva, glädjas och be. Inatt är livets mitt, i...

True Pain

The darkness whispers of gentle death. The sorrow in my heart, buried in my chest. Clawing its way to get out, imprisoned by my pain. Tears bursting out, the blood is dripping like the summer rain. My head exploding by thoughts of your betrayal. On the ground I now lie, gasping for air that never comes. My body shaking of the cold, hear your pounding on the door. A gaping wound that will never heal, darkness colours the bloody trail. Crying I know, release is soon to come. Crying I know you will never hurt me but this once.

The gift

The full moon is rising, travelling the bright night, showing how our Spirit looks like. The Elements gather to celebrate the wonder that is life, they all have gifts for those that have courage to try. The wind is playing by the treetops in the Air, caressing our bodies so we know that it is there. Gently comforting our spirit, putting our minds at ease, the Airs gift to the people that knows how to feel. The Water whispering quietly in the stream, telling wisdoms from the ancient lost and purifies our fears. Showing us the origin by whispers in our ears, the Waters gift to people that knows how to hear. The Earth rock solid, lifting us safely up from harm, showing when to stop for thought and when to hear the heart. Nurturing the nature and gives us food at summer haste, the Earths gift to people that knows how to taste. The Fire is burning by the bonfire tonight, showing us what we have done and our inner minds. Warming us in times of c...

Forbidden Faith

My Goddess is shining In the clear summer night Blessing the ground of nature With her caressing silver light I’m sitting here inside The moon is rising Not allowed to dance In this sacred night of ours Unable to get to her Unable to make my tribute Trapped I am in this house Envying the trees outside The air is blowing The water is flowing The earth so cool The fire is burning They have all gathered outside To celebrate the essence of life The spirits run in joy oh see The wiccan is stuck inside to see With tears I lay until I sleep Why cant I bee one with the There, in my sleep she is I could not come to her She came too me


Ingen förstår det som jag har Smärtan jag går med varje dag Det äter i själen, det tär och förstör Sinnet förminskas jag vet ej vad jag gör Ser ej för slöjan av smärta som ligger för Ser ej mina vänner när de sträcker sig ut efter stöd Jag kan inte jobba, eller mycket jag kunde förut Inte ens hemma kan jag pusta ut Varför skulle du inte trampa på bromsen den där dagen Då du körde in i min bil Då du förstörde mitt liv

Them and me

The pain you feel Is not for real. It's in your head It will disappear. That is what my so called doctor said. It feelt like a slapp in my face. Take some painkillers And a lot of rest. Why do you give me painkillers? Is it some kind of test? My friends and family think that I'm lazy even boring to see. Can they not see? What the pain is doing to me? It stels my life. It breaks me down. I can't feel myself. I think I will drown. Drown in the black hole. Where my sense of self fades. Maybe I am just crazy? Can I not trust myself anymore? I now know the answer. Because one person understood. That one is now many. I was just missunderstod.

Some of us

Some of us hates what we are. Some of us loves what we are. Some of us denies it all, hiding, fading, under long times of suffering and pain. Until relieved by the wings of death, they plunge into the darknes they love and hate. Some of us loves it all, enjoying every second of death. Death of others, or their own rebirthed wersion of it. They see themselves as superior to others, cause they are gifted with this curse. Some of us loves it, some of us hates it. And some of us..... just are. What are we then? We are vampiers.


Mörkermåne härskar om natten Var är du mitt ljus och glädje Ditt silverne sken jag saknar Din närvaro och hopp snart randas Min gudinna sover Väntar på våren som kommer åter Hennes dvala jag känner, sovande i min säng Nattens mörker slukar mig Mitt inre ljus är litet men starkt Väntar på rätt tillfälle att visa sin makt När min gudinna sitt ljus låter Jag lyser upp, mitt liv är åter Jag väntar på natten som får mig att leva Sover likt gudinnan som få vet hedras Då i natten jag åter vandrar I nattens sol jag trivs och andas Ditt test jag ska klara ännu en gång Med ett leende jag tänker på nattens sång Somnar i ett hav av minnen Ditt klara ljus berör mitt sinne Tills den natt du lyser min vän Ska jag vänta på att få leva igen


The night lies dark All is still The wind blows easily Caressing my will The earth so cool Firmly beneath me Ensuring I’m safe Lifting my spirit Water in the creek Making howling sounds Voices of love From the other side A candle on my alter Focusing my mind A strong, glowing flame Like the one of mine The moon above me My Goddess beautiful face Lovefully watching With all of her grace My tribute begins Magic fills the night All is light Inside my mind She fills my circle With all of her might With all of my faith The walls shines bright It is over My energy ends Peacefully I lie Seeing clearly again The elements of Gaia Surrounds me still I’m part of you You are part of me