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The life of an angel

The life of an angel, is lonely and sad.
The ones that she meets, are those that are past.
The angel of death, has found me at last.
Her beautiful face tells me I will not last.

Her wings are darkend, shifting in black.
The eyes are deep, staring me down.
Her lips are bloody and oh so sad.
She’s lifting her hand, I know now I will die.

She’s lifting me up, the pain goes away.
I can see clearly, I have been insane.
I trusted you, and what did I get.
A Soul full of wounds, and the knife in my back.

I’m howling and crying, you ended my life.
The feelings grow stronger, I want you broken down.
I’ll see you in your dreams, Ill see you in the dark.
I’ll be the monster that makes you insane as I.

The life of the angel is lonely and sad.
The ones that she meets, are those that are past.
She offers me light, or to make my last stand.
With the sword in her hand, We howl out our cry.

I’m howling and crying, you ended my life.
The feelings grow stronger, I want you broken down.
I’ll see you in your dreams, Ill see you in the dark.
I’ll be the monster that makes you insane as I.

Revenge is near now, I see it arrive.
The paranoid stare, and the empty in your eyes.
All you can hear are my whispers at night.
Soon you will se her, it’s not an angel of light.

Now it is over, I have found peace.
I leave you shivering at the murder of me.
I’m crossing over, knowing that you.
Are as broken down by me, as I was by you.

End ref
I’m howling and laughing, you ended my life.
My happiness growing, I’m no longer bound.
Now you are broken and soon will end your fears.
The angel of death is smiling at your tears.


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