I can feel it in the air,
the smell
of snow and rotting leafs,
the winter
clinging with icy hands,
lingers, not fully banned.
Light gently reveals the casualties of last year,
the bodies
of plants that died without fear.
their children that grows down below,
themselves to fight of the cold.
The earth
now crumbles, slowly to show,
the miracle
of life that never stalls.
sleep heavily withdraws,
dreams are
wakening to make you walk tall.
The moon so
brilliant watches it all,
the Goddess
is pleased, her circle is cast.
It shines
with might, her ritual calls,
to give
what is hers and the Gods at last.
A blessed dance to focus the rite,
an act of
love to fill the earth right.
Summer is
coming, anticipation soars,
just put
your ear to the ground and feel the roar.
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