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Visar inlägg från 2016

The ballad of Hope and Sorrow

Long ago and far away there was a land called Umernay where the wild was free and nature green They knew nothing of Sorrow The people followed a mighty queen her name was Hope, only peace she singed life was well and stories sung No one knew of Sorrow Then there came that faithful night out came a knight that thought not of light his heart was cold and eyes of ice In his wake was Sorrow All could see his greyish fate with him followed a heavy weight children cried at this dreadful sight They only thought of Sorrow The queen now gathered her courage guard and rode to stop the chased one to claim back what her name involved And bring an end to Sorrow They searched up high, they searched down low to find whom no one wanted for but nowhere they this creature saw Yet everywhere was Sorrow Hope found him when she was alone he stared right into her shining soul slight a tremble she would not show As she faced his Sorrow ...

Vikten av ord

De hörs ibland med ömma stämmor, de som funnit ord som betyder mer för själen än vad en smekning gör för den som längtat. Som memorerat meningar, satser och sidor att minnas när livet skär dem med skärvor på prov­. När glaset haglar och demoner slår rot, motar de bort det med förtrollande ord. Lika för lika, en del för allt, glädje med glädje och ledsna när allt gått i sarg. Jag kan avundas dessa ordade varma, de som hittat orden som ger någon mening, som nått fram och lyst upp deras avgrund så att de behagligt kan skrida likt fridfulla andar i det varma ljuset från paraffinets tvinnade tråd. Takt och ton så försiktigt övat, beprövat och reflekterat uppå, så att det matchar det tomrum de tillfälligt lappar. Bok efter bok, ord efter ord, jag slukar för att tömma mörkret inombords. År efter år sökandet gått, utan att någonsin funnit dessa ord. De som rör på det som varit dött. Som kan väcka balansen från de gråa makternas passiva grepp. Många har varit nära, en mening här och där s...


WinterSpring, I can feel it in the air, the smell of snow and rotting leafs, the winter clinging with icy hands, darkness lingers, not fully banned. Light gently reveals the casualties of last year, the bodies of plants that died without fear. Protecting their children that grows down below, sacrificing themselves to fight of the cold. The earth now crumbles, slowly to show, the miracle of life that never stalls. Winters sleep heavily withdraws, dreams are wakening to make you walk tall. The moon so brilliant watches it all, the Goddess is pleased, her circle is cast. It shines with might, her ritual calls, to give what is hers and the Gods at last. A blessed dance to focus the rite, an act of love to fill the earth right. Summer is coming, anticipation soars, just put your ear to the ground and feel the roar.