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Visar inlägg från september, 2009

Night of dreams

Darkness is closing, the air is cool. Life is slowing down, afer the summers marathon. The moon is full tonight, promissing no harm. Plantlife liftning their heads, to bade in the silver light. Animals sleeping, exept for a few They are Howling out their tribute, too the moon. The air soo clear, showning stars at last. The mountains are watching, slowly as time pass. The water is calm, suduction from the lake. To emerg under the Cleansint water The spirits wisdom to take I stay under the Oak, that comforts in my wake. The stars are wispering, words of inspiration My head starts to spin, dreams of the dragon. The gras under my feet, tickles and tease. The nature is here, and it is where I want to be.